Tuesday, 14 January

  Tuesday, 14 January
  Night [12AM-6AM] Morning [6AM-12PM] Afternoon [12PM-6PM] Evening [6PM-12AM]
Mostly clear. Cool Passing showers. Broken clouds. Cool Passing showers. Broken clouds. Mild Broken clouds. Cool
Temperature 17°C 20°C 28°C 20°C
Wind/Dir 10km/h / NE
16km/h / NW
14km/h / NW
18km/h / N
Humidity 90% 77% 43% 78%
Dew Point 15°C 16°C 14°C 16°C
Comfort Level 17°C 20°C 28°C 20°C
Visibility 10kilometers 10kilometers 11kilometers 11kilometers
6hr. Precip. Total 1mm
Chance of precip. 2% 23% 25% 1%

Wednesday, 15 January

  Wednesday, 15 January
  Night [12AM-6AM] Morning [6AM-12PM] Afternoon [12PM-6PM] Evening [6PM-12AM]
Partly cloudy. Cool Mostly sunny. Mild Rain showers. Cloudy. Mild Passing showers. Cloudy. Cool
Temperature 19°C 24°C 25°C 19°C
Wind/Dir 11km/h / NW
20km/h / W
18km/h / W
7km/h / N
Humidity 87% 66% 53% 82%
Dew Point 16°C 17°C 15°C 16°C
Comfort Level 19°C 25°C 26°C 19°C
Visibility 10kilometers 10kilometers 11kilometers 12kilometers
6hr. Precip. Total 2mm 1mm
Chance of precip. 0% 0% 5% 39%

Thursday, 16 January

  Thursday, 16 January
  Night [12AM-6AM] Morning [6AM-12PM] Afternoon [12PM-6PM] Evening [6PM-12AM]
Sprinkles. Mostly cloudy. Cool Passing showers. Broken clouds. Cool Passing showers. Broken clouds. Mild Isolated tstorms. Overcast. Cool
Temperature 16°C 19°C 26°C 19°C
Wind/Dir 21km/h / E
23km/h / NE
17km/h / NW
3km/h / N
Humidity 88% 71% 53% 84%
Dew Point 14°C 14°C 16°C 16°C
Comfort Level 16°C 19°C 27°C 19°C
Visibility 7kilometers 10kilometers 11kilometers 7kilometers
6hr. Precip. Total 1mm 2mm
Chance of precip. 25% 10% 37% 48%

Friday, 17 January

  Friday, 17 January
  Night [12AM-6AM] Morning [6AM-12PM] Afternoon [12PM-6PM] Evening [6PM-12AM]
Passing showers. Partly cloudy. Cool Passing showers. Overcast. Cool Passing showers. Mostly cloudy. Mild Passing showers. Cloudy. Cool
Temperature 17°C 21°C 25°C 20°C
Wind/Dir 19km/h / N
15km/h / NW
12km/h / W
21km/h / N
Humidity 91% 77% 53% 78%
Dew Point 16°C 17°C 15°C 16°C
Comfort Level 17°C 21°C 26°C 20°C
Visibility 7kilometers 10kilometers 11kilometers 11kilometers
6hr. Precip. Total 1mm
Chance of precip. 28% 19% 22% 4%

Saturday, 18 January

  Saturday, 18 January
  Night [12AM-6AM] Morning [6AM-12PM] Afternoon [12PM-6PM] Evening [6PM-12AM]
Passing showers. Cloudy. Cool Scattered clouds. Cool Passing showers. Mostly sunny. Warm Mostly clear. Cool
Temperature 18°C 23°C 28°C 22°C
Wind/Dir 12km/h / NE
6km/h / NW
11km/h / S
5km/h / N
Humidity 89% 71% 40% 62%
Dew Point 16°C 17°C 13°C 14°C
Comfort Level 18°C 24°C 28°C 24°C
Visibility 5kilometers 10kilometers 11kilometers 12kilometers
6hr. Precip. Total 1mm 1mm
Chance of precip. 17% 0% 7% 0%

Sunday, 19 January

  Sunday, 19 January
  Night [12AM-6AM] Morning [6AM-12PM] Afternoon [12PM-6PM] Evening [6PM-12AM]
Mostly clear. Cool Sunny. Mild Mostly cloudy. Pleasantly warm Mostly cloudy. Mild
Temperature 17°C 24°C 29°C 23°C
Wind/Dir 16km/h / N
6km/h / W
3km/h / N
16km/h / SW
Humidity 94% 72% 37% 56%
Dew Point 16°C 18°C 13°C 14°C
Comfort Level 17°C 24°C 29°C 25°C
Visibility 10kilometers 10kilometers 11kilometers 11kilometers
6hr. Precip. Total
Chance of precip. 0% 0% 0% 0%