Updated: Tuesday, 18 Feb 2025 04:05 AM SAST 
Date Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind
Tue 53 99 0 66
Wed 50 99 8 36
Thu 72 89 53 78
Fri 69 96 54 44
Sat 42 99 0 14
Sun 43 99 0 17
Mon 42 99 0 12

The Forecast Significance Index is a scale from 0-100 that gives one an idea or measure of the severity or uniqueness of the overall forecast, or individual aspects like temperature, precipitation and wind forecast values when compared to the long-term climate average value. The lower the value, the less significant the forecast value is compared to the long-term climate mean. So, for example, a value of 90 for the temperature forecast indicates that the forecast value is uniquely high (or low) depending on the season. Likewise a high value for wind indicates a significant wind event (when compared to the long-term average) is most likely going to occur for your location.